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Better results.

Use our long-standing expertise of publishing to help design an ad booking solution tailored just for you. Drive revenue by efficiently processing orders for the huge variety of media channels now available.

Multi Channel

Adtakr can book print display, classified linage, web, exhibitions, white papers and subscriptions - all on one order.


You can even add your own custom booking types using our Multi-Form booking module.

Builtin CRM

Allow your business departments to work together, giving a full view of your clients interactions. 

Identify and open new opportunities to all your different sales teams.

Sales Pipeline

The Sales Pipeline has revolutionized forecasting within the Sales Industry.


Give your sales teams an unrivaled insight into their opportunities with the Opportunity functionality within Adtakr.


Your team will have access to real time data giving them confidence that their sales pitch is accurate.


This is possible without any additional administration, which is sure to please your sales teams. 


The team at MSL are masters of integration. 

We will help you not only process but deliver on your orders by seamlessly integrating with the industry leaders - to your specification, not our rules.


Virtually all features of Adtakr are configured within the built-in admin screens. From adding entirely new publications or just making your own rate changes, you can do it. 

Grab your free Adtakr White Paper

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